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    Episode ep 1. Company C in Daegu

    페이지 정보

    작성자 5AxisSolutionX
    댓글 comment 0case   조회Hit 4    작성일Date 25-01-20 16:54


    As the first company in Korea
    to achieve a highly advanced self-operated smart factory level,
    it has transformed into a company
    where executives from large corporations come to learn.
    Previously, the company operated nine standalone machines
    under a 100% labor-intensive structure.
    Since 2015, through consulting, the company abandoned its traditional methods
    and adopted advanced pallet automation equipment and workholding systems.
    19 Mazak 5-axis machines + more than 220 FMS pallet automation units
    Achieves innovation and efficiency every year
    by fully applying LANG products.

    LANG Quick-point 75710
    3-face pyramid 43400
    Makro-grip vice 48155-125
    As the first company in Korea
    to achieve a highly advanced self-operated smart factory level,
    it has transformed into a company
    where executives from large corporations come to learn.
    The company has become an enthusiastic advocate for itself,
    actively spreading positive word of mouth among its clients.
    To highlight its cutting-edge facilities, the company prominently features equipment
    supplied by LANG and others, leveraging them to actively secure global orders
    from companies such as Japan’s Misumi.


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