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    We will provide feedback promptly after your consultation

    Customer Information  

    This is a required field.

    • Category
    • Name
    • Contact
    • Mobile
    • Email
    • Region
    • Select Budget
    • Preferred Contact Method

    • Select Consultation Date
    • Subject
    • Additional Inquiries
    • Attachment 1

      Attachments can be uploaded up to 2MB.

    • Attachment 2

      Attachments can be uploaded up to 2MB.

    • Captcha
      Enter the automatic registration prevention numbers in order.

    Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
    The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide customized services and information exclusive to 5AXIS SOLUTION X while collecting only the minimum required information.

    All personal information of members and visitors registered with 5AXIS SOLUTION X will not be used for any purpose other than the primary purpose of collection, nor will it be provided to third parties without the user's consent. If any user suffers harm related to their personal information, 5AXIS SOLUTION X assumes full responsibility.

    When consent for the collection or use of personal information is withdrawn, 5AXIS SOLUTION X will immediately cease collecting personal information and delete the relevant data at the time of withdrawal.

    Personal Information Collected and Collection Methods
    5AXIS SOLUTION X collects only the minimum information necessary for providing services and strictly limits the collection of sensitive personal information.

    * Required Information: Name
    * Required Information: Email address, website URL, phone number (including mobile), address

    Retention and Use Period of Personal Information

    5AXIS SOLUTION X retains the personal information of visitors as long as they are receiving services provided by 5AXIS SOLUTION X and uses it to deliver personalized services. However, if a visitor requests withdrawal or loses visitor qualifications under the terms and conditions of 5AXIS SOLUTION X, the registered personal information will be completely deleted and will no longer be accessed or used for any purpose.
